RESIDENTS are objecting to new plans for houses near a Test Valley nature reserve. 

Stratland Estates has submitted an outline application for nine self-build houses, parking, access, landscaping and woodland management on land north of Oxlease Meadows, Romsey.

This is the third plan for this area with 43 homes refused by Test Valley Borough Council and quashed at an appeal. Another application for 40 homes was submitted while the appeal was being decided, but was subsequently withdrawn. 

Several Oxlease Meadows residents have submitted objections. 

Alexander Hicks said: “The site proposes access to the local road system via Oxlease Meadows. Although not mentioned in the associated transport document this road is unadopted and therefore the responsibility of the local residents.

"It is a quiet, residential road that is not built to accommodate the construction traffic required for the work or the additional traffic consequent with the new houses.

“I would also comment that this is the third application from the same developer regarding this site.

“On this occasion there has been no communication or notification of this application hence having to respond with only limited opportunity.”

Caroline Springthorpe added: “The site is not a suitable location for development having regard to the local policies relating to the countryside and the effect of the proposal on the character and appearance of the area.

“Now is the time to stop this development drip feed into this part of TVBC.” 

Romsey and District Society's natural environment committee also submitted an objection. Elizabeth Pratt, on behalf of the committee, said: “The natural environment committee of the Romsey and District Society wishes to object to this development on the grounds of potential loss of habitat for bats, birds and newts, loss of ecological network links, impacts on the adjoining SSSI and nature reserve and the lack of biodiversity net gain.

“The site is in designated countryside and outside the settlement boundary.

"The only reason for the Oxlease development was as an enabling development for the nature reserve; this is not a precedent for further development sites without this reason.

"The proposal would therefore have a permanent and detrimental impact on the character and appearance of the canal and in turn would cause significant harm to the character and appearance of the area, specifically the Fishlake Meadows nature reserve.”

In the scheme's planning statement, it said: “The submitted proposal is for the erection of nine custom build dwellings to directly meet an identified shortfall of self-build properties within Test Valley. 

“The site forms a natural extension to the Oxlease Meadows development and presents the opportunity to provide additional housing against the minimum housing requirement as set out in the Local Plan.

"The proposals will also help the council to meet an identified shortfall in custom and self-building housing within the borough, and will have no significant impact on neighbouring areas.”

For more details about the application online, search 24/00737/OUTS on Test Valley Borough Council's planning portal.